The Way of the Prophet

September 1st, 2009 Posted in Basic Beliefs

The things the prophet did, the actions he performed, the way he performed an action, his habits and manners all come under the heading of “Sunnah” which means the way of the prophet or the traditions of the prophet.

Every regular action the prophet performed was recorded to the smallest detail. His life was an open book for humanity to study and learn from. His life was an example for us to follow.

Muslims receive great reward in the courts of Allah when they emulate the way of the prophet.

For example, the prophet always started an action with the following words “In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Compassionate“.

Whether he ate, wore clothes, started any work, he would always say these words. So by him saying these words, it has automatically become a tradition (way of the prophet).

Now, Muslims across the world say these exact same words before performing any significant action. It emulates the prophet and the person who follows the sunnah receives great reward.

This is just one example of a sunnah. There are hundreds of examples which we can follow to become better Muslims.

Remember, a true Muslim loves the prophet more than his/her parents and more than him/herself. It’s hard not to love the prophet after studying his life and the favours he has done for humanity.
After realizing this, is it any wonder why a Muslim would not want to follow the way of the prophet, especially if it brings great reward and gains Allah’s pleasure?

Once you become a Muslim, you will invariably understand the importance given to the sayings and the sunnah of the prophet (Muhammad (pbuh)).

May Allah make us all follow in the footsteps of the greatest human being to have ever walked on the face of this earth.

Believing in the Angels is also a requirement for being a Muslim. We will discuss this next…

Angels >>

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