
September 3rd, 2009 Posted in Basic Beliefs

Angels are a form of Allah’s creation just like humans, animals and jinn.

They listen and obey Allah’s command without question.
They are always ready to proceed with Allah order. Their entire purpose is to serve Allah.

There are trillions and trillions of angels who are in total service to Allah.
In the heaven’s above us, there is a ka’ba (a cube shaped building) and 70,000 angels circumambulate this building every single day. No angel is able to take another turn because of the sheer numbers.

This has been going on since the beginning of time and will continue until this world ends.
This gives us an idea to the number of angels in existence.

Angels are made from light and can appear before humans in any form or remain completely invisible to the naked eye.

They can span their wings from the east to the west or remain within the size constraints of a human.

The 4 most famous angels are:
Gibraeel – The angel who brought news and revelation to prophets.
Mikaeel – The angel who controls rainfall, crops etc…
Israafeel – The angel who is waiting for Allah’s command to blow the trumpet which will cause this world to come to an end.
Izrael – The angel who is responsible for taking life (angel of death).

Each human has 2 angels sitting on his/her shoulders. One on the right shoulder and one on the left shoulder.

The angel on the right shoulder records all the good deeds which the person performs while the angel on the left shoulder records all the bad deeds which that person performs.

All of these deeds will be presented before the person on the day of judgment.

Since everything revolves around the Day of Judgment, we will discuss this next.

The Day of Judgment >>

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