The Day of Judgment
Everyone knows that nobody lives for ever. Everyone will die one day.
Eventually, everything will die.
The Day of Judgment is a day which will arrive when everyone and everything has perished and then brought back to life again.
It is a day which is designed to take account of everyone’s deeds.
The is why this day is known by many other names such as…
The day of standing
The day of accounting
The day of recompense
The Holy Quran mentions this day by these and many other names.
It is a day which will be extremely heavy to bear and everyone will be at their extreme limits.
There are many many warnings in the Quran regarding the impending and upcoming Day of Judgment but it’s human nature to disregard anything which one cannot see or something which is distant.
Allah has warned us many times to simply believe and do good deeds because every single insignificant thing you did will be brought before you on the Day of Judgment.
You will be presented your sins and you will be shown the good deeds which you have performed.
You will be questioned about your actions and the intentions you performed those actions with.
You will be questioned about your prayer and your wealth.
You will be questioned about your time and how you spent it.
Even your limbs will give evidence and you will have no choice but to admit to the truth.
Once Allah has proved to you your actions, the final decision is his whether you will enter paradise or burn in the fire of hell.
This world is a testing ground for us. We have been warned. We know this day is coming and we know our fate depends on what we do in this world.
Of course, if our good deeds outweigh our bad deeds, then Allah’s favour is with us, and vice versa.
The pre-requisite to even being considered for your good and bad deeds is to have faith. This is the primary factor which is required before you are even considered for paradise.
For those who never end up believing in the truth of Islam, the Quran has stated in many places the tremendous warnings and punishment for not believing.
Remaining as a disbeliever is the worst sin and will result in an everlasting life in the fire of hell.
Even though some believers may end up in hell due to their evil deeds, they will come out eventually (maybe after thousands or millions of years) and be admitted into paradise simply because of their Iymaan (faith/belief in Allah).
So, before one can even be considered for entry into paradise or relief from the fire of hell, you must have faith and believe in Allah and the other required beliefs of Islam.
The Day of Judgment is a day which is 50,000 (earth) years long. Every single person from the beginning of time until that very day, will be questioned and will be asked to give account for his/her actions.
Everyone will be brought to life from their graves or places of rest. They will rise to find the anger of Allah surrounding them.
Mountains will be flying, the sky will be cracking, the oceans will be burning, the stars will be falling and people will be wandering as if they are in a drunken state. They will not be drunk.
They will be wondering around in a state of shock.
The horrors of the day are enough to make a young child gray haired instantly.
Imagine which position you and I will be at on that day! Are you ready?
Have you prepared for that day? Have you prepared for the questioning and accounting?
There is so much more to the Day of Judgment which I cannot even begin to cover in this short overview. To learn more, you are encouraged to read the Holy Quran. It is a starting point for learning about the Day of Judgment, Paradise and the Fire of Hell.
May Allah grant us paradise and save us from the fire of hell – Ameen.
Since every person will either be admitted into Paradise or the Fire of Hell, we will discuss these next. First we will discuss the Fire of Hell and then we will discuss Paradise.